December 6, 2020

MESSAGE "Mud or Gold ?"


"Do you want mud or gold?

Mud is on the surface...the gold is underneath. 
You can roll in the mud anytime, but you have to dig and search for the gold.

Mud, dirt, soil. 
It is common; it is easily accessed (gotten). 
Mud is even tracks in with your shoes (footwear). 
To find gold, however, takes much more effort. 
It is rare.

You need to search out the gold. 
The precious is hidden fom the common. 
The costly is seperate from the mundane. 
One has to dig deep into the earth to see gold veins. 
This ore is difficult to obtain. 
Therefore, it is much desired: highly priced and desired worldwide.


On the other hand, mud is mud. 
It is dirty. 
It is common to all areas. 
It is of little monetary value. 
It is over the entire earth's surface. 
Dirt is 'dirt cheap'. 
Not many are clamoring for mud these days.


So, what will you seek? 
Mud...or gold? 
Will you be content with the mundane, the usual, the common, the abundant dirt under your feet? 
Will you value the dirt that you sweep up off the floor? 
Is it not fit for the trash can?

Compare the soil, the sand, the dirt of the gold, to precious gems, to rare commodities. 
They are very, very different.

So which would you choose to obtain? 
Plenteous dirt...or rarefied gold? 
You may continue to wallow in the mud, or you can begin a journey of gold digging. (Searching for riches beyond the usual everyday elements.)

The 'riches' spoken of here are analogous to the *riches* of the kingdom of God. 
And, the *riches* of His constant love. (God's love for us.
And, the *riches* of His favor. 
And, His saving power...His undeniable sovereignity...His grace and mercy...His truth...His supreme power and authority.....HIS SPIRIT...rarer than any earth-bound gold!

The King of kings (Jesus) holds ALL gold and earthly treasures in His hand. 
He is the ultimate *treasurer* in the supernatural realm.

He will show you where the *gold* is hidden. 
He will show you hidden treasures of darkness that are yet to be revealed. 
(Darkness here implies 'secret', as in secret riches.)


God's riches are not as our earthly treasures. 
His wisdom is the best, most valuable; treasure. It is (to be) valued above rubies, or diamonds...or gold. 
The wisdom of the Almighty is without price: it is priceless: of utmost value (unmeasurable).


Swine roll about in their muddy styes. (hog pen)
They love to wallow about in the dirty material (substance).

The precious gold (as well as the 'pearl of great price') are not as freely found. 
There is work involved...and much of a search also is (often) necessary. 
But, the reward is great for those who persist and continue in their quest for the true gold...for the truth...for the real Kingdom of God.

Don't give up your search. 
It is an adventure; often perilous, often wearying. 
You will be a *marked man* when you obtain any gold, for it is coveted by all. 
Thieves will be a constant threat, yet they 'back off' when they see Me or My Men (angels).

If you follow Me, I will help you to keep your treasure safe...and you will trust Me more and more, as you see how I continue My relationship with you.

~~I am the Gold.~~"

*originally received on January 17, 2010

mundane = ordinary, of the world, commonplace
clamoring = making a loud demand
commodities = anything bought or sold
rarefied = more rare, scarcer
wallow = flounder, roll about in
analogous = similar
earth-bound = firmly fixed in the earth
wearying = tiring
perilous = risky, dangerous

"Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all he had, and bought it." -- Matthew 13:45,46

"For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it." -- Proverbs 8:11

"Riches and honor are with Me; yea, durable (lasting) riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and My revenue than choice silver." -- Proverbs 8:18,19

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in Him was life

in Him was life