September 20, 2019

MESSAGE "Love song"

"Whatever you are going through will not last. 
It won't be for forever. 
It will change. 
Your life, your mood, your thoughts ...WILL change.

Do not be anxious, do not worry. 
Rest in Me. 
I am your rest....the rest for your souls.  
Lean on Me. 
Cast all your cares - your worries - onto Me. 
I will carry your heavy burdens. 
It is a spiritual concept...but one that is very necessary to you.


Let My Holy Spirit comfort you now. 
Think of Me ... think of My love towards you.  
Let My love and peace surround you now. 
I am sending this peace to you, as you read this. 
(As you read this.) 
I have the peace you need .... a peace that *passes understanding*.

Do not compare yourself to others 
... to other ministries 
... to other professions 
... to other workers. 
You are *okay*.... each one of you is precious and valuable to Me. I am mindful of each individual. 
I have even the count of every strand of hair upon your head. 
I know every human being intimately, even more so than they know themselves.

I know your thoughts. 
I know every thought before it is thought.  
I know every motive, every desire, every question, every fear.  
I can *read* your minds ....


Find My Word as a comfort to you. 
Drink of My Psalms ... My songs to you.  Apply them to your situation 
... to your worries 
... to your questions 
... to your lives. 
They are refreshing to your souls, your emotions.  
They are light to your darkness.  
Take them.

Sometimes you feel alone, all alone.  
You may feel rejected, misunderstood, neglected, ignored.  
These are the times to not panic, but to take hold of Me ... of My promises to you.  
These are the crucial moments in which your lives may change .... where you may grow ...where you may feel relief and restoration.

I give you My love through many means, many avenues.  
My Word, My Psalms are for your benefit .... they are like a love song to you.

And I am singing them over you even now."

September 10, 2019

MESSAGE "Dead Disciples" (Rise Again to Life)

"Beloved, believe not every spirit (that) you encounter
... for many will come in My name and they are not (of) Me.  
I travel alone, as it were. 
I need no proteges, no posses, no processions, no paparazzi. 
I am come that you might have life, and that more abundantly.  
I seek and save those that are lost, those hurtling into hell, in the grips of the devil. 
I  have no need of 'other' gods, other 'messiahs, 'other jesuses' ... they are (but) a stink, a stench in My nose.
(*other jesuses = false gods)

I (also) have no need of a dead church, 
of dead believers, 
of dead disciples;   
without works, without fruit, without results, without action, without proofs; 
 ... there is no faith, no real faith, no reality (of) Me, nor reason to believe, no actionary effect, no catalyst, nothing 
... just death.
(*dead churches, spirit-less)

I am the LIVING god, not the dead god.  
I am the God of the living, not the dead! 
Come and see My works, 
hear of My marvelous workings, 
My awesome feats,  
come and see, come and hear;   come one, come all.

But what is there to see? to hear (about)? 
What is there to show (of) Me, of My wondrous works?
Where are you, oh church? 
Where are you My true church? 
where are you My truest ones; 
.... My dear, abiding ones? 
Where, where oh where, has My little flock gone? 
the ones to whom I've entrusted My riches?? 
My spiritual bounty? 
My invisible wealth? 
My unseen power? 
the ones whom I've given a foretaste of Heaven (to)? 
the ones who have 'tasted and seen' that I am indeed good? 
the ones who have seen, heard, listened, felt, desired, sought after; ...(and) found My anointing? 
My precious, blood-bought anointing?
(* invisible wealth = His presence, His glory = treasure)

Where are you, oh My loves ... My loved ones? 
My dear, ragged sheep? 
My rebels? 
My rebellious flock? 
My strays? 
My wounded ones?  
My bleeding hearts? 
My weak, vulnerable, sensitive ones? 
My little bleating baby lamblings? 
Where are you ...?  
.... I am calling ....


Enter into My rest .... and enter into My glory;  My presence of peace .... 
Shred away the old man, the old ways, the death and the dying .... pursue Me, pursue Me as you never have before .... 
speak to Me from your place of hurt, your place of fury, your place of unbelief 
...that restless place you (now) find yourself in......

Speak to ME, for I am listening ... 
I am 'on call'... 
I am here for you ... 
I am listening ... 
I bend down to you and I listen."


I Corinthians 2:4   "And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and by power ..."

I Corinthians 12:10a    " To another the working of miracles ..."

I Corinthians 12:28c     "... gifts of healing ..."

St. James 2:26    "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."

The Revelation 3:16    "So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew (spit) you out of My mouth."  (to the church/worldwide in general)

St. Luke 5:17c    "... and the power of the Lord was present to heal them."

(Writer's note: I think this means He needs no 'extra help' from humans.  He is well able to be Himself... and our paltry, mortal ways of idolizing celebrities / ourselves / ministries.... is a stench to Him.... we must/should pursue HIM:   not celebrity, not money, not fame, not our own prideful / vain / empty ways of dead religion.)


paparazzi =  freelance photographers who aggressively pursues celebrities

posse =  entourage, following, retinue

entourage =  following, posse, retinue, cortege;  group of people who go with and assist an important person

protege =  ones influenced by prominence, influential

hurtling =  moving at a great speed, typically in a wildly uncontrolled manner

*message ending 5:30am/12/27/2013

September 5, 2019

MESSAGE "He Is My Knight"

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood;  but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."   - Ephesians 6:12


"The time has come for war. 
War in the spirit. 
War between good and evil, between God and Satan. \
This is real. 
This is real life.

Get ready. 
Get your armor ready. 
Polish it up. 
Put it on.

Let Me be your Leader...
your General...
your Commander.

I will give you strategy. 
I will lead, if you will follow. 
I know all the secrets...all the inside information....
I know it before it happens. 
Come to Me...listen....breathe Me in...let My power envelope you...
let Me *be* you...let Me transform your weakness into strength. 

Arm yourselves with My arsenal...My battery...My fuselage...My powerful weaponry. 
I am stronger, smarter, wiser, more capable-- and more able than your enemies.


So, who are your foes, your opponents? 
Do you know who your enemy is?

Satan, or the Devil, is real. 
He is your mortal enemy. 
He is also your supernatural, spiritual enemy. 
But he makes his mark on the physical, too. 
He is well able to hurt your bodies. 
He is an expert at destroying minds. 
He hates all humans, as he hates Me. 
He is NOT your friend, no matter how alluring he is.

He works by deceit, by lies. 
He appears as an "angel of light"...or a "good angel". 
He says all the right things at the right time. 
He is a master of coincidence. 
He is smooth, 
handsome (if need be), 
...and a 'winner' (it seems).

The devil is not a myth, not a 'cute story'. 
He has made the world laugh... and to think of him as a harmless cartoon. 
This is a grave mistake; to believe he is harmless and funny. 
He is no comedien...
he in pure evil, 
total degradation and filth.
He will drag you through the mud, 
through the slime and putrid alleys of his manure and stench. 
He thrives on lies, fantasy, errors, half-truths, apathy, cruelty, apprehension, fright, panic, etc. 
He is no one to pal around with. 
Better to be alone...than to have him as your friend.


Other enemies of your soul are ego, pride, greed, sloth, laziness, apathy, gluttony, hate, etc;....the things that bear heavy burdens upon you. 
They may start out as "neutral" things in your lives, 
but (they) end up as controlling and shackling. 
No one wants to be in slavery;   in bondage, held captive.
No one wants to be captured by something or someone. 
destructive habits, 
addictions, etc;...all control and enslave your every waking moment. 

Fear is the worst offender. 
Fear paralyzes
Fear is one of the very worst of the human being's opponents in life.


I, your Lord and your Rescue 
...will help. 
I will help. 
I am here to help you....
all of you...
anyone who asks...
I will help.

Call upon Me and I will answer you
...I will be your help in time of need
...I will be your strong and high tower
...your shield
...your Armor. 

I will be your Knight, 
your prince, 
your strong Saviour, 
your ally, 
your war lord...
I am He."


knight  =   champion, defender, nobleman, lord, gallant, horseman, equestrian;  a man, usually of noble birth, raised to honorable military rank and bound to chivalrous conduct
principality  =   demonic prince

fuselage  =   the main body of an aircraft, excluding the wings, tail plane, and fin

ally  =  helper; cooperative advocate/merger; defender

arsenal  =   a store for arms, ammunition, and other military items; a workshop or factory that produces munitions;  a store of anything regarded as weapons

battery  =   (military) two or more pieces of artillery used for combined action;  a tactical unit of artillery

opponent =  enemy

*heard in spirit/mind on August 21st, 2012

September 2, 2019

MESSAGE "My Broken Family"

 3:40pm 3/2/14

*I keep hearing, through out the day: "My family is broken up..."

"My family is gone ... My family is broken up ... split up ... scattered ... dispersed ... strewn-about.

A family should be together...(it) should work together ... play together .. .love together. I am sad, I am sad ... My family is gone.  I am lonely.  I need My children, My family, about Me, around Me.


Where are they? where is My family, My loved ones, My people ... ?  I see them ... I see them, scattered, broken, bruised, hurt. I see My blood, My flesh, My body... (They) are all over the world ... but they are apart.

My family is hurting ... they are cold ... they are sick ... they are lonely .. .they are in need. They suffer ...they cry ... they silently endure. My little ones suffer the most;   for they do not understand their lives.  Let them come to Me ... let them know of Me, of My love, of My love, of My love.

As a gentle shepherd lovingly cares for his flock of worn sheep, so do I care for My sheep, My lambs, My infant lambs.

I grieve to see the condition of My flocks upon this earth. I grieve, I grieve.


Surely I did not intend this to be.  My intent was for peace, for security, for gladness and joy. I never wanted this misery upon the earth, upon My creation. I do not ever want such suffering ... for any creature: human or animal. I planned a world, a place, a paradise .... for My family... My human family. I love you all so much ... in ever intended such chaos for you.  Hear My heart, hear My heart.


So why do you rebel and turn form My love? Why do you run? why do you resist Me?  Why do you turn to other 'loves' ... other 'lovers' ... other gods and idols of your fancy? Why turn from the One who loves you so?

I see (that) you are all deceived, to some degree ... that is the way of the world.  It is a world of deception, of falsity, of mirages, or illusion, of delusion, of thwarted imaginations.

I seek to save you ... I came to 'seek and to save that which was lost' ... that would be YOU!  I  am the saver ...  you are the ones needing Me ... I came to rescue you, to give you a better life...



{new subject?}

The fire is in the furnace.
What does that mean, you ask?  It implies a refining ... a purification. Yes, many of you are laden with sins, with excesses, with fleshly desires, with unabated hungers and appetites ... all to satisfy the flesh, the mortal man, the natural man.  That is to be expected ... I see the ways of the body, of the flesh, of the sexual excess, of the gluttony, the greed, the anger, the hatred. I see ALL the many, many, varied *works of the flesh*  .... there are MANY!

Yes, I am well acquainted with ALL your weaknesses, oh man, oh woman ... oh child.  I see it all. I see it all. I know all about it ... about ALL of it. I see, I see.


So how can such an unholy, vile, sordid, evil generation ever expect any goodness, any help form Me? I will show mercy on who I choose. My rain, My mercy ... falls on the just as well as the unjust ... on the innocent, as well as the guilty.  I am no *respecter of persons*... that means I am not partial, I am not biased ... I do not show favoritism as humans do.

I offer (My) love, My mercy ... to all ...  I will rain upon the whole earth ...  I will send My floods of love to all ... to all .... to all!!

I assure you, people of the earth ... I will visit you ... in your time. I will meet with you ... I will let you into My covering of glory and grace.  You will experience it ... you will (then) KNOW that I am who I said I am!


It is so easy to judge others, from the outer appearance, or from their 'sin life'.  WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE?  I am the only judge ... I will mete out any judgement, in My way, on My day. I am a fair, merciful judge.


I love justice ... I love defense ... I love meting out good, fair judgement.  Judging can be good, can be fair, can be beneficial. I am your defense, whether you know it or not.  I am your defender in this life.

I am your mediator ... between you and My Father.  I am the law giver. I show you, by My Spirit, what the 'laws of My Spirit are' ...
how they are 'written upon your hearts' ... yes.

I supernaturally engraft(ed) My laws upon your hearts, as you offer yourselves to Me;   as you give Me access into your hearts and souls and spirits.  I take your hard, darkened, jaded hearts of stone ... and turn them into soft, bright, pliable, spiritual hearts of flesh, of My flesh!

You then become flesh of My flesh! We are then true spiritual family, as I always intended!


If you see (or sense) a brother or sister is in trouble ... then pray for them.  Ask Me to help them ... do not presume to know all the details. The details are My business ... I will help them privately.

Send My love to all. Send practical help, if possible! Ask of Me, ask of Me ... what should I do, Lord? what can I do? A simple gesture of honest kindness can be very life-giving!

If it in your ability to help someone, please do it! Do things in secret, if you can. Let no one boast of their giving. Let Me reward you, at the opportune time of My choice.  The humble will be lifted up.


I am free. I am free to all. I am a free God .... Where My spirit is, there is liberty.... .there is real freedom! I am free as the wind! I rush through the skies! I am unhindered, at My supreme place. I am the Most High, yes, but I am with you, here, now. I am the God who sees, who feels, who empathizes.

Turn your words of hatred into words of reconciliation. Let your anger be turned to meek agreement ... and into newly-forged alliances.  Let there be new unity! Let  there be a coming together of peoples, of individuals, of My lost ones, of My lost and battered sheep.


Let the unity be (as) a foundation for the beginning of My out-pourings ... My fresh flow of Heavenly manna ... coming down upon My beloved family ... My creation, for indeed, I have come for all ... I am come for all of you. I love all of you.

Wait ... and seek ...  and wait again ... for Me. I will visit. Do not miss the time of YOUR visitation!"

#######from  3:40pm 3/2/14

September 1, 2019

MESSAGE "Mind War"

"Guard your heart. 
 Put a shield upon it, around it.

 Guard your emotions.


There is a war, a battle; for your minds. 
It is the darkest
most vicious, 
most entangling, 
most complex, 
most hurtful, 
most effectively-wounding; 
battle ever fought. 

It is mostly an unseen battle ... 
an invisible struggle, 
but still - VERY, VERY - REAL.
It is the worst of all battles.

This war has your soul at stake. 
It has your peace, 
your joy, 
your happiness ... 
as it's spoils.  
It does not play fair. 

It has evil intentions, always.

The war of which I am speaking is a spiritual war. 
It is fought in the air, 
up in the air;   
as well as on the ground ... 
and in your very minds. 

It is where many fall.

Many die in this war. 
Many are living, yet dead. 
Many are walking corpses, 
with brain death ...
and emotional death.


I say to you,
'Come to Me and I will give you rest ... 
My rest.'

I am well acquainted with grief, 
with sorrow, 
with depression, 
with heart-ache, 
with raw and brutal rejection. 
ALL of My followers forsook Me, 
at one point. 

I was left, 

I know how it feels.


Remember this ... 
I am with you always. 
I am near to you now. 
As you call upon Me, 
I will come to you. 

I come near to the broken, 
the brokenhearted, 
the lost ones, 
the lonely, 
the hurt, 
the wounded; 
the wounded warriors of all kinds.

I can offer you My peace NOW.  
Take it, 
accept it, 
ask Me for it, 
cry to Me ... 
I will hear. 
I am willing to help. 

I am not a god that is afar off ... 
for I am as near as your beating heart, 
and as your breath of life.

I shower you daily with My mercies ... 
they are new every morning, including today.

I will bring good to you, 
but you must be looking for it, 
and wait for it, 
sometimes-- .... 
for sometimes,  the good things ARE delayed for various reasons.


Wait for Me ... 
wait for Me, 
says the Lord. 

I will come to you ...
and rain down My grand and glorious treasures upon you; 
My people, 
My children, 
My followers, 
My creation.

I rain mercy upon the just, 
and the unjust ... 
the good and the bad. 

ALL will feel My healing rains ... 
My rain of love, 
My rains of mercy, 
of grace, 
of power, 
of truth, 
of delivering power!

I will repay evil, 
says the Lord. 

Do not fret, 
do not fear ... 
but be brave and of a good courage ... 
I will do that thing I have promised (you).

Seek Me while I may be found; 
for there is a time, 
a time of utter despair and thick darkness, 
when no one will be able to find Me, 
and the door(s) will be shut.


Cease not in your pursuit of Me, 
yet take time to STOP .... 
and listen and wait upon Me ... 
for then I will have space, 
have room, 
have a window, 
a platform ... 
to "show off" !

I love to publicly show My 'wares' ... 
My 'tricks' ... 
My feats, My glorious works
My demonstrations of pure power,  
My wonders untold
My miraculous abilities, 
My love, 
My kindness
My generosity, 
My skills, 
My giftings, 
My compassion 
... and My Presence.

Yes, I like to be among My people in power.

Let Me be myself, 
and I will show you all great and mighty things."



Ephesians 6:12    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

II Corinthians 10:5     "Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;...."

II Timothy 4:18a    "...the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work..."

I John 3:8b    "....For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil."

Acts 10:38     "....How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power:  who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil;  for God was with Him.

Isaiah 53:3   "He is despised and rejected of men;  a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief:  and we hid, as it were, our faces from Him;  He was despised, and we esteemed Him not."

Psalm 51:1    "Have mercy upon me, Oh God, according to Your loving kindness:  according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions."


*message 'heard' on 8:00am 2/9/14...& ending @ 8:13am

MESSAGE "New Mercy"

*Psalm 118:24 "This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."

"Every morning My mercies are new. 
I bring a fresh start - a fresh outlook - to each new day. 
I love those that love Me... 
and I love those who seek Me early: 
not only early in their day, 
but also as a matter of priority

Seek Me before all other activities. 
Will you seek Me today...
or will you ignore Me and put Me aside for later? 
I bring fresh 'bread' for you each and every day. 
(The time on the clock is not as important as your heart's motivation!)

When you put Me, your Lord, first...
then all else follows. 
Everything else 'falls into place'. 
Did I not promise (that)... if you seek Me first, 
then all other things will be added unto you?

I made the day. 
I created 'day'. 
I created 'time'. 
I created *you*. 
Will you not stop and acknowledge your Maker...
your Creator...
your Father?

Oh, taste and see that I am good. 
I am a good God. 
I am *THE* good God.

Look at the birds. 
See how carefree they are.
Consider the lilies of the field.  
(They just 'are'.
They do not fret and toil. 
They are examples to you of My *tender mercies*. 
I care for the flowers, the birds ... 
but mostly, 
I care for the creation of people. 
Of souls. 
Of lives ... 
of destinies.

Jump in the river! 
The water is fine! 
Come 'swim' with Me! 
Wash off the dirt and grime of this earth! 
Come clean in Me ... 
I cleanse and purify ... 
I make you cleaner than any fuller's soap.

Jump on in - the water is fine! 
Splash and be free...
be liberated...
as little children frolicking at the beach! 
Jump into My waves...
let My 'current' carry you...
dive into the 'deep end'...
I am there! 
Let's go swimming! 
Swimming in My Spirit ... 
in My River!

What the devil means for evil I turn to good. 
I catch the 'crafty one' in his own craftiness. 
He falls into his own snares. 
I upset his devices. 
I send My angelic host to topple his empire. 
His wickedness and schemery are exposed by My leadings. 
I smash and crumble. 
I demolish the 'hosts of hell'. 
I am a type of 'Rambo'...
I set at naught the 'evil empire' of Satan. 
He will *not* prevail.

I am King of kings and Lord of all eternity. 
He (satan) is under *My* authority. 
He will not have the last word: *I* will. 
I am Lord of all.

My army (including you: each of you) must be under My control; My direction. 
They must be at attention and *wait* for My command. 
Do not move until I give the word. 
Do not go out without spiritual armor. 
Do not go without My Spirit (anointing power) upon you. 
Do not go without Me.

IF you go alone, you will be injured or destroyed. 
This enemy - yours and Mine - is too powerful for you to withstand alone. 
*Never* think you can fight this battle on your own...or even in a group. 
You *must* have My power,  
My anointing,  
My leadings, 
(and) My voice to guide you.

Do not treat this enemy lightly. 
Yes, he is under My feet, *but*...he still is very masterful in his evil. 
You cannot possibly fight him on your own. 
This is *very* dangerous. 
Many have fallen in this area of warfare.

Think of a weak, defenseless sheep...
 coming against a strong, crafty wolf. 
This is no match. 
The vulnerable sheep will be slaughtered. 
*But* think of the Shepherd...
watching over His sheep. 
He can scare off the wolf. 
He can protect His sheep. 
*He* has the power -and the wisdom- to keep His flock safe and free from the wolf. 
This is Me. 
I am the Shepherd.

In a little while, we'll be together in the 'eternal sheepfold'. Meanwhile, you must contend for the faith. 
Contend (defend and fight for) for Me...for Truth. 
Raise the banners high: 
banners of truth
and righteousness
Remember (that) righteousness without love is like the Pharisees. 

Raise the banner of life: of My Life...of My freedom! 
Seek to be truthful - in love - in all your daily matters. 
Seek truth and seek to make things right. 
Seek to forgive and to build up things broken down. 
Seek to to heal. 
Seek to deliver. 
Seek Me. 
Seek Me: the fountain of life!

Seek Me daily...
for each day is another revelation of My love and My grace."

 (fuller = one who cleanses by special process)

My Deliverer

in Him was life

in Him was life