March 9, 2020

MESSAGE "Your Mystery Unleashed" (repost)

"Rest in peace.   
You don't have to follow the crowd ... you don't have to be part of any crowds, any movement, any 'revival' ... just be yourself ... with Me .
"I" am what you are needing, what you are looking for:  searching for ... I alone am your peace, your rest ... your eternal mystery unleashed.

I am that rest ... that elusive love,  that *One* that knows you 'inside and out'.
I am deeply close and will associate with you ... I am more 'familiar' than any familiar spirit or any human spirit.

I dwell between the high and Holy angels ... the cherubim ...  I walk among the seraphim  ... I ride upon the wings of My Holy wind(s) ... I open My mouth, winds move, dance, hush ... I sweep My arm, My hand ... the storm is stilled.

I ...  yes, I (do) go to 'prepare a place for you' ... a place that 'only you & I know'... our secret place of union,  of love, of secrets told, of mourning together, of fears discussed, of tears flowing together as one ... I am that one ... YOUR one, the one that you love.

I am the One that you seek ... I am your heartbeat;   I indeed give you the 'air that you breathe'.

I offer (My) peace, the 'other worldly' kind ... that peace that 'passes/surpasses all other understanding'... I am your peace ... My peace I give to you.

Don't let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid in, press on - to the mark of the high calling in Me ... in your Lord, your friend ...  (yes, it is 'I' ... I am 'here').

I want every reader, every seeker, every lost heart ... to seek Me once again ... to those who have no might, no power, no strength ...  I say:  go again, try it again, look for Me once more ... sit in the stillness ... sit, listen,  inquire.  
Cry, be at peace, be in turmoil ... whatever your situation, you will find Me there ...if you look for Me ... I will be there.

I come to you ALL ... as a friend, as a friend that knows you very well ... I know the thoughts of your mind, your soul, your heart's desires ... I know your needs, your prayers, your cries ... (even) before they are uttered, before you even THINK them...

I know the number of hairs upon your heads ... I know the exact time and rhythm of your heart beat ... I know the day you were born, conceived ... and I know the precise time of your death.

I am that I am .. I am the 'great I Am' ... I was, I am, and I will be .... I am 'ever present' and I know the beginnings as well as the endings ....

That is all for now... I  hope to hear from some of you tonight, today, this morning, this week ... I will be waiting.  
Shalom, peace to you, good night ... love to all."

*Writer's note:    As I was typing this out, there were tiny specks of color, of sparkles on my hands ... (awesome )... I've had these supernatural glittery specks appear numerous times before, but never so clearly on my hands when I was typing ... cool!)

Message heard, as typed, this morning, ending @ 3:07am 12/17/13

Alien Entities (1-4): What the Bible Says About Aliens - Dr. Lester Sumrall

MESSAGE "Your Mystery Unleashed"

"Rest in peace.   
You don't have to follow the crowd don't have to be part of any crowds, any movement, any 'revival' ...just be yourself ...with Me .
*I*am what you are needing, what you are looking for:  searching for ...I alone am your peace, your rest ...your eternal mystery unleashed.

I am that rest ...that elusive love,  that *One* that knows you 'inside and out'.
I am deeply close and will associate with you ...I am more 'familiar' than any familiar spirit or any human spirit.

I dwell between the high and Holy angels ...the cherubim ...I walk among the seraphim  ...I ride upon the wings of My Holy wind(s) ...I open My mouth, winds move, dance, hush ...I sweep My arm, My hand ...the storm is stilled.

I ...yes, I (do) go to 'prepare a place for you' ...a place that 'only you & I know'...our secret place of union,  of love, of secrets told, of mourning together, of fears discussed, of tears flowing together as one ...I am that one ...YOUR one, the one that you love.

I am the One that you seek ...I am your heartbeat;   I indeed give you the 'air that you breathe'.

I offer (My) peace, the 'other worldly' kind ...that peace that 'passes/surpasses all other understanding'...I am your peace ...My peace I give to you.

Don't let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid in, press on - to the mark of the high calling in Me your Lord, your friend ...(yes, it is 'I' ... I am 'here').

I want every reader, every seeker, every lost heart seek Me once again those who have no might, no power, no strength ...I say:  go again, try it again, look for Me once more ...sit in the stillness ...sit, listen,  inquire.  
Cry, be at peace, be in turmoil ...whatever your situation, you will find Me there ...if you look for Me ...I will be there.

I come to you ALL a friend, as a friend that knows you very well ...I know the thoughts of your mind, your soul, your heart's desires ...I know your needs, your prayers, your cries ...(even) before they are uttered, before you even THINK them...

I know the number of hairs upon your heads ...I know the exact time and rhythm of your heart beat ...I know the day you were born, conceived ...and I know the precise time of your death.

I am that I am ...I am the 'great I Am' ...I was, I am, and I will be ....I am 'ever present' and I know the beginnings as well as the endings ....

That is all for now ...I  hope to hear from some of you tonight, today, this morning, this week ...I will be waiting.  
Shalom, peace to you, good night to all."

*Writer's note:    As I was typing this out, there were tiny specks of color, of sparkles on my hands ... (awesome )... I've had these supernatural glittery specks appear numerous times before, but never so clearly on my hands when I was typing ... cool!)

Message heard, as typed, this morning, ending @ 3:07am 12/17/13

in Him was life

in Him was life