September 30, 2021

Down In the Lowlands - Russ Taff

 (*please ignore any ads in these videos...they are irrelevant )

Voodoo, Witchcraft, Curse Removal

Witchcraft, voodoo, curse removal

The Book of 1 Peter | KJV

The Book of Song of Solomon | KJV

MESSAGE "Clouds Of Deceit / The Smell of Death"

 9/29/21   1:03am

"He will destroy the arrogant (ones).

He will bring low the proud ones.

He will crush the wicked (ones).

He will bring low those in high places.

He will have His say.

He will have the last word.

He will laugh at His enemies -- even those who claim to be His.

He will make the crooked paths straight (once again).

He WILL be the true King -- the One true King ...the King of kings ...yes; the King Supreme --over all others.


It is written;  yes it will be done WILL be accomplished.

My Word will return to Me,  accomplished.

My plans will be finished, as I have promised.

Yet, many -- many ...will call to Me, and say "(But) LORD, LORD - --we are yours" ...and I will say NO. 

I never knew you...thus, they will depart from My presence.

Yes, they *say* they are Mine, yet they deny Me in their works.

They use My name profusely ...yet never have I told them to do so.

They are on their own.

They run their own ships ...their own corporations ...their own majesties.

They run religions, denominations, church systems, schools, (and) financial structures ...yet they do not realize that I am not among them.


I will not be mocked.

I will not give My glory to another.

I will not *compete* with man ...with men ...with religions ... with political parties ... with confusion ... with blatant idolatry.


No. I will not share My glory with any other. 

I am that I am.

I am.

I am He.

I am the Most High.

1:11am   -pause-

I do not look at appearances, as I see into your heart(s).

I see motives.

I see methodry.

I see ambiton(s).

I see fraud(s).

I see falsity. 

I see hate.

I see hatred.

I see blasphemy.

I see greed.

I see false men "of God".

I see through all the outer *trappings* that are presented as *Godly*.

I see the tricks ...the magic ...the counterfeit miracles ...the endless self-promotion ...the *spiels* for money ...the never-ending beggary (begging) for money ... it is a stench in My nostrils.

I smell the smell of death.

I smell death.

It is among you.


You can fool the masses, but you cannot fool Me.

I will not be mocked.

Yes, I will repay!

I will send disaster to those using My name for their own profit and gain.

I despise false gain ...false weights ...false trade ...false promises 

...false exchanges.



I can read your thoughts.

I know your minds.

I know your motives.

I see your treacherous plans.

I see the cloud of deceit that is over you ...I see how you are blinded. 

Yes, you may be *rich* in THIS world ...yet you are poor!

You are naked!

You are without a HOLY garment!

You are NOT in My covering!

Your sins are active!

Your sins are (still, yet) alive!

Yes, you will die in your sins -- unless you repent.


Turn away.


Run away from it.

Ask Me to help you, and I will.

I will make a way of escape, for any willing to turn from their sins ...from temptation(s).


I will provide escape ...rescue ...healing hearts minds thoughts paths ...IF you humbly some (back) to Me.


This is no joke. 

(Yes, many will treat it all as a joke ...but they be sorrowful later on).

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom."

Be wise.

Be free (again).

Be alive (forsake death).

Be hopeful (Heaven awaits).

Be joyful (free of heavy sin).

Be comforted (as I accept you, again).

Be Mine  ({as} I have missed you).

Be with Me (and I will be with you).

Yes, I will walk amongst you once more; on condition that ...humility (before Me) will rule.


I despise pride and proud, arrogant hearts.

I will not *approve* of arrogance in any form.

I turn away from the hardened, proud ones ...(those that boast of not needing Me or My forgiveness).

I listen to the broken ones ...the contrite ...the crushed souls ...the lonely ...the rejected ones ...those with no shepherd.


To all who are seeking Me: I will be there.

I will be there for you ...for each of you.

If you humble yourselves in My sight;  within your heart ...then I will cleave unto you.

I will run to you --as a prodigal and a father reuniting.

Come back to Me, says the LIVING GOD -- and I will embrace you again -- (and some for the first time).


I will never forsake those who honestly seek after Me.

I will be your Friend, even unto the end.

Don't listen to men ...listen to Me.

Learn of Me.

Ignore the gossips of humanity.

Let your light shine, as it is given unto you.

I will be your Light you meekly follow behind Me." 


*message ending 1:28am


September 26, 2021

It is Well with My Soul

Anberlin - The Unwinding Cable Car

MESSAGE "The Lord Resists The Proud"



"The Lord resists the proud. 

The haughty will be brought down ... the high looks will be cast down. 

I, the Lord, desire a people; ... a people who look not to their own interests, but to those around them. 

Did I not give up My life and take on the form of a servant? 

Do not my people -- who call themselves by My name -- do they not seek a servant's heart? 

I came not to be served, but to serve others. 

Remember how I reached out to the man with the withered hand?

I made the blind to see? 

How the woman with the issue of blood was made whole? 

Did I not come to seek and to save the ones that are lost? 

Am I not the Friend that sticks closer than a brother?


I see all. 
I know all. 
Listen to My voice through My servant. 
Heed My voice. 
I desire a broken heart ... a heart broken before Me. 
I desire weeping ... coming to Me alone. 

You sing to Me about things you know not. 
You say you want 'a clean heart', but do you really? 
Confess your true desires to Me. 
I already know them. 
You need not put on falsity and religion for Me. 
I see through your religion. 
I want a people that is real ... that is willing to be honest before Me.


Judge not, and you will not be judged. 
So many of you assume you are the judge: (that) you make up the rules. 
There is only one Judge ... do you not fear Him? 
Take out the beam that is in your own eye, before you speak of the speck in your brother's eye.
Those who say they are without sin: you are deceived. 
Remember, your heart is wicked and deceitful above all things 
... and *your* righteousness is as filthy rags.
Let your hearts be sprinkled with the blood of Christ 
... the blood that washes you from all sin. 
Humble yourselves before Me.


Do not fear man ... what can he do to you? 
Rather, fear the One who is able to cast your soul and body into hell. The fear of man is a snare. 

Have I not chosen the weak, the poor, the foolish 
... the outcasts of this world, for My purposes? 
(to confound the world?)


My wisdom is foolishness in man's eyes ... (and) man's wisdom is foolishness to Me. 
A foolish man is wise in his own eyes. 
Boast not of yourselves, for without Me, you can do nothing!

Trust not in flattery or enticing words; for they are deceitful and will lead you astray. 
Let the wicked forsake her way. 
Let the arrogant repent and come forth as a cleansed vessel.


Some of you forget Me days without end 
... yet I wait for you each day. 
I am grieved, I am grieved.


Let your hearts break before Me. 
As you go (on) with your day's activities, I will be there
 -- calling to you 
... reminding you that you are Mine and I have called you out of darkness.
Can you ignore Me still?? 
One day I will not speak so clearly ... you will cry to hear My voice, yet I will not answer. 
Seek Me *now*, says the Lord."

   *originally dictated from the Holy Spirit on 11/3/1993

Liquid - Jars of Clay

We Fall Down - Kutless

The Book of Ecclesiastes | KJV

The Book of James | KJV

John MacArthur's Millionaire Lifestyle Exposed

September 13, 2021

Benny Hester - When God Ran

i miss the old CCM music on the radio

Falling up - Searchlights Remix

Start Again

MESSAGE "New Mercy"


Psalm 118:24 "This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."


 "Every morning My mercies are new. 
I bring a fresh start - a fresh outlook - to each new day. 

I love those that love Me,  and I love those who seek Me early: 
not only early in their day, but also as a matter of priority.
Seek Me before all other activities. 
Will you seek Me today ...or will you ignore Me, and put Me aside for later? 

I bring fresh 'bread' for you each and every day. 
(The time on the clock is not as important as your heart's motivation!)

When you put Me, your Lord, first ...then all else follows.

Everything else 'falls into place'. 
Did I not promise (that) if you seek Me first, then all other things will be added unto you?

I made the day. 
I created 'day'.

I created 'time'. 
I created *you*. 
Will you not stop and acknowledge your Maker ...your Creator ...your Father?

Oh, taste and see that I am good.
I am a good God. 
I am *THE* good God.

Consider the lilies of the field. 
Look at the birds. 
See how carefree they are. (They just 'are'.) 
They do not fret and toil. 
They are examples to you of My *tender mercies*.
I care for the flowers, the birds ...but mostly, I care for the creation of people. 
Of souls. 
Of lives ...of destinies.

Jump in the river! 
The water is fine! 

Come 'swim' with Me! 
Wash off the dirt and grime of this earth! 

Come clean in Me ...I cleanse and purify ...I make you cleaner than any fuller's soap.

Jump on in - the water is fine! 
Splash and be free liberated little children frolicking at the beach! 
Jump into My waves ...let My 'current' carry you ...dive into the 'deep end' ...I am there! 
Let's go swimming! 
Swimming in My Spirit ... in My River!

What the devil means for evil I turn to good. 
I catch the 'crafty one' in his own craftiness. 
He falls into his own snares. 
I upset his devices. 

I send My angelic host to topple his empire. 
His wickedness and schemery are exposed by My leadings. 
I smash and crumble. 

I demolish the 'hosts of hell'. 
I am a type of 'Rambo'...I set at naught the 'evil empire' of Satan. He will *not* prevail.

I am King of kings and Lord of all eternity. 
He is under *My* authority. 
He will not have the last word: *I* will. 

I am Lord of all.

My army (including you: each of you) must be under My control; My direction. 
They must be at attention and *wait* for My command.
Do not move until I give the word. 
Do not go out without spiritual armor. 

Do not go without My Spirit (anointing power) upon you. 
Do not go without Me.

IF you go alone, you will be injured or destroyed. 
This enemy - yours and Mine - is too powerful for you to withstand alone. 

*Never* think you can fight this battle on your own ...or even in a group. 

You *must* have My power, My anointing, My leadings, (and) My voice to guide you.

Do not treat this enemy lightly. 
Yes, he is under My feet, *but*...he still is very masterful in his evil. 
You cannot possibly fight him on your own. 
This is *very* dangerous. 
Many have fallen in this area of warfare.

Think of a weak, defenseless sheep ...coming against a strong, crafty wolf. 
This is no match. 
The vulnerable sheep will be slaughtered. 
*But* think of the Shepherd ...watching over His sheep. 
He can scare off the wolf. 
He can protect His sheep. 
*He* has the power and the wisdom to keep His flock safe and free from the wolf. 
This is Me. 
am the Shepherd.

In a little while, we'll be together in the 'eternal sheepfold'. Meanwhile, you must contend for the faith. 
Contend (defend and fight for) for Me ...for Truth. 
Raise the banners high:  banners of truth, love and righteousness. Remember (that) righteousness without love is like the Pharisees. Legalistic. 

Raise the banner of life: of My Life ...of My freedom! 
Seek to be truthful - in love - in all your daily matters. 
Seek truth and seek to make things right. 
Seek to forgive and to build up things broken down. 
Seek to restore to heal. 
Seek to deliver. 
Seek Me. 
Seek Me: the fountain of life!

Seek Me daily...for each day is another revelation of My love and My grace."


 (fuller = one who cleanses by special process)

Missing Person- Michael W, Smith


The Book of Hebrews | KJV

The Book of Philemon | KJV


September 4, 2021

Find Rest

The Book of Titus | KJV

The Book of Proverbs | KJV

MESSAGE "A Vain Show"

  "Without Me you can do nothing.


You are My dependent. 
You depend on Me. 
I am the Vine, you are the branches. 
Your life is contingent upon Me.

Without Me you would die.

My life force is My Spirit. 
It is given to you ... to all who come to Me. 
He (The Spirit) is My life, expressed to you. 
He makes Me alive and real to you. 
I am He.

So many go on without Me. 
They play a game that is all theirs. 
I am nowhere to be found. 
I am not in their midst. 
Many loudly proclaim Me ... yet totally disregard Me. 
They lack Spirit.

They are dead men walking. 
Moving skeletons. 
Bags of stale air. 
They are putrefying before your eyes. 
Still, they persist.

Such men make a fool and a mockery of Me ...and My Spirit. 
They bellow out grandiose proclamations and screeching prayers. 
I have not sent them, yet they go on. 
Their foolishness will soon be apparent. 
I will not be mocked. 
It is a dangerous thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Some tempt Me. 
They try My powers. 
They fail. They speak of miracles, yet produce none. 
Covering up their deceptions, they put blame on the sick and the oppressed. 
I will not be mocked.


'Send forth the clowns! 
Bring in the jesters!' 
This is the show of the day; the production of the hour. 
Let us party and laugh, while the masses suffer.
Tell another joke, another clever story! 
Tickle the ears. 
Put salve on the wicked. 
Let all be a cooperative commotion. 
Party on! 
Let the music play on. 
All in the name of the Lord.


As you assemble together, it is in vain. 
It is a vain (useless) show. 
It is unto man, and his hollow traditions. 
It is amazing how far these man-pleasers will go! 
Just like the 'Emperor's New Clothes'! 
Everything done to please the man, the ministry, the church, the denomination. 
Where is (the) *GOD* in all this?

Putting on airs, putting on a grand show ...
for WHO? 
Who is the charade for? 
What is the reason for such showmanship? 
for such eloquence? 
for such religious monotony? 
It is certainly not for Me, says the Lord.


I am angry. 
I am enraged. 
Am I angry at all the sinners? 
I love them. 
I see their hearts, and their woundedness. 
I am furious with those who use My name for themselves ...for their own purposes; their personal benefit. 
I am not a genie. 
The cross symbol is not an amulet. 
I am not (just) a *good luck* charm. 
I am God. 
I am Jesus. 
I am Holy Spirit. 
I am The Holy Ghost.


To those who are still able to hear Me ...I say 'Repent'...
...change ...turn from what you believe;  from your false lives. 
I see what you are ...what you think ...why you lie.  
I see men's hearts ...I know your very thought before it is conceived.  I am infallible ...I am not one of your golden calves.  
Listen ...if you still can. 
Seek Me while I may be found.  
Go to the narrow road ...the ways not taken for Me ...let your words be few.  
Be quick to hear and slow to speak.

Judge not and you will not be judged.  
In the ways you judge and condemn others ...those same ways will be tested in your own lives.  
You always judge according to appearances ...but that is not Me!  
I see the hearts ...the past life ...the circumstances brought upon My people ...and the oppression.

The oppression is often hidden from view;  hidden from public. 
I see it all.  
I see the captive hearts;  the crying hours, the silent pain, the words spoken in fear.  
I see the hurts, the traumas, the accidents, the errors, the failures, the endless problems, the addictions and the desires.  
I see the lost.  
The empty hearts.  
The lonely.  
The empty souls ...the lies.


Some of you hide your real selves. 
Many of you do this. 
I know. 
It takes courage to be real, to be vulnerable, to be free of man's ways be free of religion. 
Let go, let go.  
I am here to catch you when you fall.  
But may struggle for some time.  
I have the right timing ...the best for you.

My ways are not your ways, neither are they man's ways. 
I am not in the wind of religion, not the race of the politician. 
I am above the earth, yet I am involved in your lives ...if you follow Me ...and not human theory. 
I see the beginning, the middle and the end. 
I am Alpha and Omega. 
I was, I am and I am to come. 
I am timeless.

Let yourself succumb to My house My protocol My house rules. 
Let go, leave, run away ...from the chains and shackles of religion and earthly endeavors (actions, activities).

For each of you, for any of you, who read this--- and may try to follow Me ...I will see ...and will be ready to help you along your path, your way. 
I am worth the search:  however lengthy or difficult it may prove.


Seek Me now, says the Lord. "


* message heard on September 4, 2012; finished @ 2:23am

Fallen World - Aviad Cohen

Whiteheart -- Say The Word

in Him was life

in Him was life