December 13, 2020

MESSAGE (from writer) "You Are Loved"

 *this is from the writer, not from God

You are welcome here ....
if you feel ALONE, LONELY.... 
if you have doubts, questions, fears, worries, 
are an atheist, 
an unbeliever, a harsh skeptic, agnostic, 
confused big-time, 
are jaded, are filthy rich, 
are famous, a celebrity, 
an unknown 'nobody', anonymous, invisible
wretched, are bored-to-death, 
are 'sick-of-it', 
bitter, cold, numb, feel dead, 
blind, deaf, near-death, terminally ill, 

high-strung, wheelchair-bound, 
paralyzed, HIV-AIDS victim, 
feel lonely, 
alone, forgotten, rejected, in terror, 
addicted, drunk, stoned, high, low, 
mocked, warped, twisted, injured, maimed, 
humiliated, burnt, burned-out, 

suicidal, 'psychotic', in the dark, depressed, 'disfigured', 
a 'freak', a 'weirdo', a 'monster', 'ugly' (feel this way), diseased, 'terminal', no 'good luck', cursed,
written-off by doctors,
chronically sick, in pain, nervous, sick, dying, 
abused, anorexic, bulimic, obese, 

'fat', morbidly obese, always rejected, starving, bulimic vomiter, desperate, in debt, psychic, schizophrenic, magician, 
spiritist, medium, proud, arrogant, vain, channeler, 
satanist, witch, sorcerer, diviner, seer, reiki worker,  
prophet, false prophet, one with 'second sight', a 'listener', a 'watcher', 
a dream interpreter, ' white witch', wiccan, 
diviner, 'healer', 


bipolar, mentally ill, autistic, are a punk/goth /rebel, reclusive, never have friends, 
a cutter, bullied, depressed, eccentric, artistic, 
emotionally damaged, 'disturbed', bullied, harassed
"shunned" by churches, weak, worn-out, tired, totally exhausted, delusional, hallucinating, 
lost, on-the-edge,
living as an outcast, 'deranged', 'weird', 
a 'loner', anxious, neglected, ignored, 
left out, isolated, poor, homeless, hopeless, 
has complex PTSD, sexually assaulted, rape victims, 
marred, in-a-daze, so tired,
feel unwanted, feel 'used',
has post traumatic stress, veteran, soldiers, 
in jail, in the hospital, 
angry, gay, bisexual, tortured, transgender, asexual, celibate, abstinent, non-sexual,
feel alone in a crowd,  
sex addict, enraged, 
sarcastic, full of hate, a 'hopeless' sinner, a self-hater, in despair, 
an alien, immigrant, unknown, 
a stranger, lost, possessed
multiple personality disorder, autistic, asperger's, 
mentally disabled, desperate, out-of-control, 
feel insane, in despair, scared & hopeless, etc; 

.... YOU are at Home here
 .... I (and others) accept you as you are
...since GOD / Jesus / Holy Spirit / Messiah / Yeshua / Saviour / *my Friend*
 ... has accepted me (and millions of other lonely lost souls) over and over matter how bad I get! 

He still loves ME
...and He also loves YOU !!!!!!!!



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in Him was life

in Him was life