January 14, 2020

MESSAGE "The Emperor Has No Clothes" / modern day false leaders & $$ deception

January 11, 2020

(*....I was just thinking of this...I thought of it before: about the 'emperor has no clothes'...just thoughts I am getting...)


"Many shall say 'Lord, Lord'...they shall call me 'Lord'....but I am not their Lord.
Even many, in high authority, use My Name and say they follow Me.
They say that I am 'theirs'...but I am not.
It is easy to be deceived....especially by ones of such charismatic demeanor.
Just because something seems right or looks right to you, does not mean it is right, or it is from Me.
 For My ways are not your ways, says the Lord...and My thoughts are not your thoughts....for as the heavens are high above the earth, so much higher are My thoughts, above the earthly thoughts;  the earthly way of thinking.
The ways of man are not the ways of the Lord.

I repeat:  many shall say 'Lord, Lord'...and I shall say I do not know you;  I never knew you.  You took My Name upon yourself and claimed to speak for Me...yet I was not in heart..I was not in your mind..I was not in your spirit....I was not in your thoughts.

I am far away from you...and you have just used My Name and My words and My Bible ...for your own use...for your own gain.You've turned My house of prayer (so to speak)... into a den of thieves.
You've turned My Gospel into a selling point;  into a business.

Yes, you are rich...and you are prospering...and you think that makes you 'in the right'....but, does it?
I say...many, many, MANY of you have been deceived.
You are deceived by peer pressure...by political pressure....by religious pressure...by family pressure...by culture pressure....by fear pressure.
You are afraid to speak out...you are afraid to think on your own...you are easily swayed...you are a weak people indeed.


For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world...and lose his soul?
Remember....just because the crowd is loud, and it is large....it does not define truth....and it does not say-and clarify- that is is from Me...or My ways.
Remember....charismatic leaders of the past...and how the crowds chose them over Me....over the truth,
There is way which seems right unto a man...but the ends thererof ...are of death.
Remember the crowd chose Barrabas over My Son.

My flock, My true flock...will seek the eternal over the temporary.
They will hold onto the eternal truths...despite what is happening in the temporal plane.

They will seek Me...and not man.
They will seek My truths...and not the ways of man;  not the ways of the culture.

Yes, it is the end times...and, yes, it is easy to be deceived.
Sin is abounding more and more.
Sin is abounding within the church more and more.
Sin is at an all-time high...but it can get worse...and, as My Word has predicted....it shall get worse....the evil shall wax (shall grow) worse and worse.


For one of the worse sins...is the sin of pride.
Examine your hearts...to see if you are full of pride.
Examine your leaders...in the church...and without (outside) the church...to see if they are full of pride.
For, such as one that is filled with themselves...cannot be filled with Me.
Their ways will fail, eventually...but, I am the solid Rock.
My ways shall stand throughout eternity:  whether popular or not popular.

So give heed, to My words.
Do not be swayed by the crowd....by the media.
Do not be swayed by your church...by your pastor...by your leaders.
For such as some of those are just hirelings...they are bought and paid for....as are your political leaders.
Many, many, many are deceived by the love of money.
And, if you've read My Word...you know (that) the love of money is the root of all evil.

Therefore, beware of the so-called, you know...the 'wolves in sheep's clothing'.
It is a well-known parable, and it still rings true today.
There are many, many, many.... sheep(s) in wolve's clothing.
It is easy to put on the 'sheep-coat'...to go about...pretending...that they afre following Me.
Yet, I do not know them...I do not call them by name.
They do not speak to Me...they do not acknowledge Me...they do not acknowledge My ways.

They go their own way.
They do as they please.
(And they are well-paid for it.)
They are well paid.
They are easily...easily bought.

They are hirelings...both in the church-- and out of the church, and in all areas of the population,
People can be bought.
A person will sell his soul...if it means monetary gain, fame, power, riches.

I will end with this.

I resist the proud
...but He (God) gives grace to the humble."

Mark 8:36    
"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Matthew 24:12
"...because iniquity (sin/evil) shall abound, the love of many shall wax (grow) cold."   

II Timothy 3:13   
"...evil men and seducers shall wax (become/increase/grow) worse and worse;  deceiving, and being deceived."

James 4:6    
"But He gives more grace:  wherefore He says, God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble." 

Isaiah 55:8-9 
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than the earth, and My thoughts than your thoughts."

hireling = one working only for money

proud = feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions
narcissism =  vanity, pride, self-love, self-admiration, self-adulatin, self-absoption, conceit, egomania, egotism, self-centeredness; lack of empathy; need for admiration

Barabbas =  in the New Testament, a prisoner/murderer....mentioned in all four Gospels who was chosen by the crowd, over Jesus Christ.... to be released by Pontius Pilate in a customary pardon before the feast of Passover.
*Matthew 27:1

**please forgive any errors in typing/spelling/publishing/layout, etc...it gets to be a real battle...just trying to write this out sometimes...especially now....it is a true spiritual/physical/mental battle....very heard to do at times...it is like everything goes against it)

***"The Emperor's New Clothes is a short tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, about two weavers who promise an emperor a new suit of clothes that they say is invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent – while in reality, they make no clothes at all, making everyone believe the clothes are invisible to them. When the emperor parades before his subjects in his new "clothes", no one dares to say that they do not see any suit of clothes on him for fear that they will be seen as stupid. Finally a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!" 

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in Him was life

in Him was life