"Am I not the great I Am?
Do I not pour forth of My Spirit?
Are not My words like a crescendo?
Am I not a light in the darkness?
Do I not control the very universe(s)?
Valuable. Am I valuable to you?
Am I precious to you? Do you hold Me in high esteem?
Do you regard Me as a high, costly commodity?
Am I as a valuable, priceless treasure?
Am I your treasure?
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
The earth is His; the animals are His.
Come to the waters.
Come to the fountain...the fountain of the water of Life.
Drink deeply. Enjoy My love.
My love...My Life...are gifts to you.
Cherish Me, for I cherish you.
A rejection of man is not a rejection by Me.
In fact, a rejection of man is usually an indicator of approval by Me.
Was I not despised and rejected?
Did not people use Me and abuse Me and vilify Me? Was I not forsaken by all?
The servant is not above the Master. If I were rejected, so also will you (be).
If I suffered, so (also) will you.
Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations.
Let patience have it's perfect work.
Yes, many apparently (seemingly) have the whole world at their disposal. They are surrounded by friends, cohorts, business associates. So it is, and so it will be.
But, not so for all My children.
Some I call alone.
I work with them alone, one-on-one.
Some are the rejected, the abandoned, the neglected, the forsaken, the forgotten.
Do you fit into this category? If you truly desire a close walk with Me, then you WILL know loneliness, heartache, grief and pain. (These go with the territory.)
So, come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden. I will give you rest.
I will give you hope.
I WILL help you.
I will help those with no helper.
I will be your Friend, when all others forsake you and ignore you.
Believe on Me, for I am your shield and your defense.
I will save you.
Yes, I am pouring forth of My Spirit. Come to Me and receive all that I give you. Continue to receive...and then give...offer to others what you have received.
Freely you receive; freely give.
Remember, to whom much is given, much is required.
Use wisdom. Use your eyes of faith.
See as I see. Learn of Me. Learn how I see the world. See people through My eyes.
Ask Me to show you things of the Spirit.
Ask to see people's hearts...to see beyond the obvious...
See 'between the lines'.
Remember, I see all.
I know all.
I know and see the beginning AND the end.
I know the outcome of all."
*originally written 11/21/2005 @ 4:07am
Do I not pour forth of My Spirit?
Are not My words like a crescendo?
Am I not a light in the darkness?
Do I not control the very universe(s)?
Valuable. Am I valuable to you?
Am I precious to you? Do you hold Me in high esteem?
Do you regard Me as a high, costly commodity?
Am I as a valuable, priceless treasure?
Am I your treasure?
The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.
The earth is His; the animals are His.
Come to the waters.
Come to the fountain...the fountain of the water of Life.
Drink deeply. Enjoy My love.
My love...My Life...are gifts to you.
Cherish Me, for I cherish you.
A rejection of man is not a rejection by Me.
In fact, a rejection of man is usually an indicator of approval by Me.
Was I not despised and rejected?
Did not people use Me and abuse Me and vilify Me? Was I not forsaken by all?
The servant is not above the Master. If I were rejected, so also will you (be).
If I suffered, so (also) will you.
Count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations.
Let patience have it's perfect work.
Yes, many apparently (seemingly) have the whole world at their disposal. They are surrounded by friends, cohorts, business associates. So it is, and so it will be.
But, not so for all My children.
Some I call alone.
I work with them alone, one-on-one.
Some are the rejected, the abandoned, the neglected, the forsaken, the forgotten.
Do you fit into this category? If you truly desire a close walk with Me, then you WILL know loneliness, heartache, grief and pain. (These go with the territory.)
So, come unto Me, all you that labor and are heavy laden. I will give you rest.
I will give you hope.
I WILL help you.
I will help those with no helper.
I will be your Friend, when all others forsake you and ignore you.
Believe on Me, for I am your shield and your defense.
I will save you.
Yes, I am pouring forth of My Spirit. Come to Me and receive all that I give you. Continue to receive...and then give...offer to others what you have received.
Freely you receive; freely give.
Remember, to whom much is given, much is required.
Use wisdom. Use your eyes of faith.
See as I see. Learn of Me. Learn how I see the world. See people through My eyes.
Ask Me to show you things of the Spirit.
Ask to see people's hearts...to see beyond the obvious...
See 'between the lines'.
Remember, I see all.
I know all.
I know and see the beginning AND the end.
I know the outcome of all."
*originally written 11/21/2005 @ 4:07am