June 15, 2019

MESSAGE Freedom of Choice

"There is no 'chance' in Heaven.  There is no 'gambling' or 'risk taking' to get to Heaven.  There is no *buying* your soul (or another's).  There is no 'deal' to get into Heaven.

There is no 'lottery' or 'sweepstakes'  to 'win' a 'prize' of eternal life.

It is a simple choice.  A decision.  A matter of will.  You decide.  You choose.  You 'will your will' to either enter Heaven or to enter Hell.

I have given you the choices.  I have made My way clear.  I have written and preserved them (choices) in My Book for you to read.

I have not made it difficult.  It is a clear decision.  (The devil has distorted, perverted, devised deception, and (has) confused you.)

I, by My Spirit, am opening up the way to Heaven.  It is The Choice all have to either accept ... or reject.  The plain and simple choice is:  Do you choose Jesus My Son?  Do you choose to believe Him?  Do you choose to accept what He did for you?


Let's review:

     Jesus My Son was crucified for you.  He died on a cross for you.  He took the sins of the world onto Himself on the Cross.  He died that you may live.  He offers new life, forgiveness of all sin, freedom from sin and Satan.  He gives joy, peace, love, and life eternal in the Paradise of God Almighty.  He represents God to you.  He is God in the flesh:  Emmanuel ... God with us.

He is love.  He is compassion.  He is mercy.  He is grace.

He loves you more than you could ever fathom.  His love is abundant and lavish.  He is (like) a great, rare, treasure ... to be desired above all.

He is precious, and He treats you as His Royalty.  He is the Saviour of the world.  (He especially wants the Jewish people to know He is The Messiah ...  and He loves them dearly.)


Loneliness will be your fate without Jesus.  Utter fear, terror, abandonment - and deep, tortuous darkness - will be your lot, your portion, your choice ... if you reject His love.

You can claim to be at ease, and in pleasure on this earth, but that will fade. That will end. This life is temporary.  The world (ruled by Satan, the greatest liar) will mock you and tell you that hell is not real, but why would you believe mere, mortal man?

Would you trust your eternal soul to a mere human?  To a man? A person?


Choose wisely.  Choose while there is time.  Choose before you take your final breath.

Choose Jesus Christ before you die.  (That is His final offer.  What more can He do?)"

* from a message received on 11/1/1999

fate = destiny, future
fathom = understand

{Writer's thoughts:
  The love & reality of God is often terribly misrepresented by various religious systems, denominations, politics, cultural groups and confusing man-made church tradition.  Do NOT put your trust in any person ...in any leader.... or in any church. 

 Ask God to show you the love of Jesus.  Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit.  Ask Him to make (the) Bible scriptures real and alive to you.  Ask Him to open up your understanding;  to give you revelation & knowledge supernaturally.

 Ask for wisdom, knowledge, awareness...for His supernatural peace.  Most of all, ask Him for His friendship.  He said He will never leave us ... and we are promised eternal life in His Holy, glorious, wonderful Paradise of Heaven.

   So why take a chance on going to hell?  Even if you don't know for sure if there is a hell ... why take a deadly risk?
 It is stupid to *follow the crowd* ... when the crowd is blind ... and falling off a cliff ... into a possible real, eternal damnation and eternal separation from God, and love, and light.

Read the Holy Bible for yourself. Ask God to show you if He is real.  Seek Him. Find out the truth for yourself.}

in Him was life

in Him was life