December 30, 2020

Benedictine Monks Singing Choir

Demons & Deliverance 39 - Are Curses for Real? ~ Dr. Lester Sumrall

MESSAGE "Some Cannot Understand"

 "The natural man cannot comprehend the spiritual.

  He cannot know it, see it, hear it, feel it ... it is impossible.


For the ways of the Spirit are unattainable to the natural man, the carnal man, the un-spiritual one(s).
They cannot know it, for they are not of the Spirit...they only live in the natural man.

So, do not lose heart.  
Do not become annoyed, or frustrated ... for you were once as them, as they are.

Pray for their eyes to be opened ... for their ears to hear ... for their spirits to be awakened.

They are in the *dark* ... they are not aware ... they cannot know of what you speak.

For you wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers...against things that are not of the natural.

Forgive them ... for they 'know not what they do'.


In time, you will be defended ... you will be vindicated ... your life, your words --  will have meaning and purpose.

Until then, have patience.  
Endure the hardship(s), the ignorant ones, the life you are so unfit to live in.

You do NOT belong here, as you have known for quite some time.  
You are (a) called out one --- you are 'not as they are'.

You have known (of) the spirit for quite a long time ... (even) since your childhood.

You have felt My power(s) ... My love  ... My physical presence .. you have known (that) I am real.

I am Real.  
I am here.  
I am among you.  
I walk among you.

Many (most) refuse to accept Me, accept My reality.  
Many ignore Me, disregard Me, reject Me.  
Many will never accept Me -- will never believe Me. 
Yet, I am still here.


I come to you as a Friend, a confidante --once again.  
I am your *all-in- all*...your safety net ... your
protection ... (and) your defender.  
I am in the *shadows* ...yet also in the light.

I am among you, even as you continue to go on without Me.  
I am silent, unless given (a) voice.  
I am invisible, unless given an audience ... and I am 'not here' ... unless (you) give Me recognition and authority.

I am that I am.

I am the great *I am*. 
Those that have 'ears'  -- let them hear what I am saying to the churches  ... (to) all believers:  past, present, future.


I alone hold the keys to life and death, to *heaven and to hell* .... I am in charge of all of it  ... ALL of it!

It is in your best interest(s) to seek Me ... to heed Me ... to find Me ... to always look for Me  ... wherever I may show myself.

...For where I am, there is great liberty and great peace.

I am the *healer of the broken hearts* --despite all beliefs to the contrary.

I STILL am in the 'business' of healing (up) broken hearts ...  broken lives  ... broken dreams.

I live among you.  
I am with you, always;  even unto the end.

Worship ... find Me again  ... I am here."



Psalm 147:3  "He heals the broken in heart and binds up their wounds."

Ephesians 6:12   "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Demons & Deliverance 43 - Black and White Magic ~ Dr. Lester Sumrall

December 13, 2020

I Will Talk To My Brothers - Lamb

You Are My Salvation - Lamb

More Love, More Power - Jeff Deyo

I Am In Love With You - Darrell Evans

King by Audio Adrenaline

In The Garden - Tennessee Ernie Ford

The Book of 2 Corinthians | KJV | read by Alexander Scourby

The Book of 1 Chronicles | KJV | read by Alexander Scourby

MESSAGE " Some Cannot Understand"


"The natural man cannot comprehend the spiritual.
  He cannot know it, see it, hear it, feel it ... it is impossible.


For the ways of the Spirit are unattainable to the natural man, the carnal man, the un-spiritual one(s).
They cannot know it, for they are not of the Spirit...they only live in the natural man.

So, do not lose heart.  
Do not become annoyed, or frustrated ... for you were once as them, as they are.

Pray for their eyes to be opened ... for their ears to hear ... for their spirits to be awakened.

They are in the *dark* ... they are not aware ... they cannot know of what you speak.

For you wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers...against things that are not of the natural.

Forgive them ... for they 'know not what they do'.


In time, you will be defended ... you will be vindicated ... your life, your words --  will have meaning and purpose.

Until then, have patience.  
Endure the hardship(s), the ignorant ones, the life you are so unfit to live in.

You do NOT belong here, as you have known for quite some time.  
You are (a) called out one --- you are 'not as they are'.

You have known (of) the spirit for quite a long time ... (even) since your childhood.

You have felt My power(s) ... My love  ... My physical presence .. you have known (that) I am real.

I am Real.  
I am here.  
I am among you.  
I walk among you.

Many (most) refuse to accept Me, accept My reality.  
Many ignore Me, disregard Me, reject Me.  
Many will never accept Me -- will never believe Me. 
Yet, I am still here.


I come to you as a Friend, a confidante --once again.  
I am your *all-in- all*...your safety net ... your
protection ... (and) your defender.  
I am in the *shadows* ...yet also in the light.

I am among you, even as you continue to go on without Me.  
I am silent, unless given (a) voice.  
I am invisible, unless given an audience ... and I am 'not here' ... unless (you) give Me recognition and authority.

I am that I am.

I am the great *I am*. 
Those that have 'ears'  -- let them hear what I am saying to the churches  ... (to) all believers:  past, present, future.


I alone hold the keys to life and death, to *heaven and to hell* .... I am in charge of all of it  ... ALL of it!

It is in your best interest(s) to seek Me ... to heed Me ... to find Me ... to always look for Me  ... wherever I may show myself.

...For where I am, there is great liberty and great peace.

I am the *healer of the broken hearts* --despite all beliefs to the contrary.

I STILL am in the 'business' of healing (up) broken hearts ...  broken lives  ... broken dreams.

I live among you.  
I am with you, always;  even unto the end.

Worship ... find Me again  ... I am here."



Psalm 147:3  "He heals the broken in heart and binds up their wounds."

Ephesians 6:12   "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

MESSAGE (from writer) "You Are Loved"

 *this is from the writer, not from God

You are welcome here ....
if you feel ALONE, LONELY.... 
if you have doubts, questions, fears, worries, 
are an atheist, 
an unbeliever, a harsh skeptic, agnostic, 
confused big-time, 
are jaded, are filthy rich, 
are famous, a celebrity, 
an unknown 'nobody', anonymous, invisible
wretched, are bored-to-death, 
are 'sick-of-it', 
bitter, cold, numb, feel dead, 
blind, deaf, near-death, terminally ill, 

high-strung, wheelchair-bound, 
paralyzed, HIV-AIDS victim, 
feel lonely, 
alone, forgotten, rejected, in terror, 
addicted, drunk, stoned, high, low, 
mocked, warped, twisted, injured, maimed, 
humiliated, burnt, burned-out, 

suicidal, 'psychotic', in the dark, depressed, 'disfigured', 
a 'freak', a 'weirdo', a 'monster', 'ugly' (feel this way), diseased, 'terminal', no 'good luck', cursed,
written-off by doctors,
chronically sick, in pain, nervous, sick, dying, 
abused, anorexic, bulimic, obese, 

'fat', morbidly obese, always rejected, starving, bulimic vomiter, desperate, in debt, psychic, schizophrenic, magician, 
spiritist, medium, proud, arrogant, vain, channeler, 
satanist, witch, sorcerer, diviner, seer, reiki worker,  
prophet, false prophet, one with 'second sight', a 'listener', a 'watcher', 
a dream interpreter, ' white witch', wiccan, 
diviner, 'healer', 


bipolar, mentally ill, autistic, are a punk/goth /rebel, reclusive, never have friends, 
a cutter, bullied, depressed, eccentric, artistic, 
emotionally damaged, 'disturbed', bullied, harassed
"shunned" by churches, weak, worn-out, tired, totally exhausted, delusional, hallucinating, 
lost, on-the-edge,
living as an outcast, 'deranged', 'weird', 
a 'loner', anxious, neglected, ignored, 
left out, isolated, poor, homeless, hopeless, 
has complex PTSD, sexually assaulted, rape victims, 
marred, in-a-daze, so tired,
feel unwanted, feel 'used',
has post traumatic stress, veteran, soldiers, 
in jail, in the hospital, 
angry, gay, bisexual, tortured, transgender, asexual, celibate, abstinent, non-sexual,
feel alone in a crowd,  
sex addict, enraged, 
sarcastic, full of hate, a 'hopeless' sinner, a self-hater, in despair, 
an alien, immigrant, unknown, 
a stranger, lost, possessed
multiple personality disorder, autistic, asperger's, 
mentally disabled, desperate, out-of-control, 
feel insane, in despair, scared & hopeless, etc; 

.... YOU are at Home here
 .... I (and others) accept you as you are
...since GOD / Jesus / Holy Spirit / Messiah / Yeshua / Saviour / *my Friend*
 ... has accepted me (and millions of other lonely lost souls) over and over matter how bad I get! 

He still loves ME
...and He also loves YOU !!!!!!!!



The Old Rugged Cross - Johnny Cash

December 6, 2020

Rich Mullins - Hold Me Jesus

Johnny Cash -- In the Sweet Bye and Bye

Sing Hallelujah to the Lord

MESSAGE "Mud or Gold ?"


"Do you want mud or gold?

Mud is on the surface...the gold is underneath. 
You can roll in the mud anytime, but you have to dig and search for the gold.

Mud, dirt, soil. 
It is common; it is easily accessed (gotten). 
Mud is even tracks in with your shoes (footwear). 
To find gold, however, takes much more effort. 
It is rare.

You need to search out the gold. 
The precious is hidden fom the common. 
The costly is seperate from the mundane. 
One has to dig deep into the earth to see gold veins. 
This ore is difficult to obtain. 
Therefore, it is much desired: highly priced and desired worldwide.


On the other hand, mud is mud. 
It is dirty. 
It is common to all areas. 
It is of little monetary value. 
It is over the entire earth's surface. 
Dirt is 'dirt cheap'. 
Not many are clamoring for mud these days.


So, what will you seek? 
Mud...or gold? 
Will you be content with the mundane, the usual, the common, the abundant dirt under your feet? 
Will you value the dirt that you sweep up off the floor? 
Is it not fit for the trash can?

Compare the soil, the sand, the dirt of the gold, to precious gems, to rare commodities. 
They are very, very different.

So which would you choose to obtain? 
Plenteous dirt...or rarefied gold? 
You may continue to wallow in the mud, or you can begin a journey of gold digging. (Searching for riches beyond the usual everyday elements.)

The 'riches' spoken of here are analogous to the *riches* of the kingdom of God. 
And, the *riches* of His constant love. (God's love for us.
And, the *riches* of His favor. 
And, His saving power...His undeniable sovereignity...His grace and mercy...His truth...His supreme power and authority.....HIS SPIRIT...rarer than any earth-bound gold!

The King of kings (Jesus) holds ALL gold and earthly treasures in His hand. 
He is the ultimate *treasurer* in the supernatural realm.

He will show you where the *gold* is hidden. 
He will show you hidden treasures of darkness that are yet to be revealed. 
(Darkness here implies 'secret', as in secret riches.)


God's riches are not as our earthly treasures. 
His wisdom is the best, most valuable; treasure. It is (to be) valued above rubies, or diamonds...or gold. 
The wisdom of the Almighty is without price: it is priceless: of utmost value (unmeasurable).


Swine roll about in their muddy styes. (hog pen)
They love to wallow about in the dirty material (substance).

The precious gold (as well as the 'pearl of great price') are not as freely found. 
There is work involved...and much of a search also is (often) necessary. 
But, the reward is great for those who persist and continue in their quest for the true gold...for the truth...for the real Kingdom of God.

Don't give up your search. 
It is an adventure; often perilous, often wearying. 
You will be a *marked man* when you obtain any gold, for it is coveted by all. 
Thieves will be a constant threat, yet they 'back off' when they see Me or My Men (angels).

If you follow Me, I will help you to keep your treasure safe...and you will trust Me more and more, as you see how I continue My relationship with you.

~~I am the Gold.~~"

*originally received on January 17, 2010

mundane = ordinary, of the world, commonplace
clamoring = making a loud demand
commodities = anything bought or sold
rarefied = more rare, scarcer
wallow = flounder, roll about in
analogous = similar
earth-bound = firmly fixed in the earth
wearying = tiring
perilous = risky, dangerous

"Again, the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all he had, and bought it." -- Matthew 13:45,46

"For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it." -- Proverbs 8:11

"Riches and honor are with Me; yea, durable (lasting) riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yea, than fine gold; and My revenue than choice silver." -- Proverbs 8:18,19

The Book of 1 Kings | KJV | Audio Bible read by Alexander Scourby

The Book of 2 Corinthians | KJV | Audio Bible read by Alexander Scourby

November 23, 2020

Lonely Hearts by Aviad Cohen

MESSAGE "Cutting Edge"

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against you in judgement .... you shall condemn.  This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from Me ... says the Lord."  -- Isaiah 54:17

*Great is Thy faithfulness ... Thy mercies fail not ... Thy compassions are new every morning....You daily load us with benefits...Great, yes great; is Your faithfulness!*


What is faith? 
Faith is believing, yes. 
Faith is seeing, yes. 
Faith is believing and seeing.  
Seeing what? Believing what?

Faith is believing and seeing the unseen, the yet-to-come, the future, the result of prayers spoken in faithfulness. 
Yes, faith is a work of unseen hands.
Faith is belief in change, in hope, in expectation, in anticipation, in trust ... trusting the One who is the completer of your faith.

Faith is action, as well as belief.
Faith is taking some action, as conducive to what was prayed and believed for. 
Immediate action is best. especially concerning healing.

If one has been prayed for, in respect to a healing or a miracle, oftentimes the *action* is immediate, visible and dramatic. 
These are the *easy-to-believe* spectacles ... demonstrations of faith. 
These are the *crowd-pleasers* ... !

These are the *signs*... the *wonders*... the *spectacles*... the *shows of power*... the *glory*... the *anointing*. 
These events -- these happenings -- are the things that draw in the crowds.
Many multitudes followed Me ... Messiah ... as I healed and I drew quite a following! It is to be expected.

(Spirit sigh)


Many times My works, My powers, My ministry acts .... are cause of controversy. of debate, of jealousies unleashed, of power, and control trips by zealous leaders and performers.


Genuine faith does not need, does not require; a grand show. 
I am not a carnival. 
I am not a traveling medicine show, nor am I a circus.
I am not a concert, nor am I a magic act. 
I am not an illusionist, nor am I an actor on a stage.

My will be done.
My will is My Father's will. 
My will be done, as it IS in Heaven; as it is in My eternal Kingdom.

I will show you My ways, My methodry, My Ministry, My modes of wisdom, My secrets, My hidden wisdom , My dark knowledge, My glory, My glorious way(s)  


To whom much is given, much is to be expected!
Do not covet a gift, a ministry work ... if you are not generous in giving it ALL back! 

As you give (of yourself, your wealth, your gifts, your servant-hood. ... it will be given back to you, albeit not in the form or shape as you may have expected!)

I desire a people who will follow Me at all costs ... at ANY cost .... ....this is where the adventures begin! ... My Holy adventures...!

For you see, I am not a dull 'god' ... {Spirit laugh} ...  and I am not a 'dull boy' ... .
I am not a 'dull man' ... nor am I a 'dull God'.  
No, I am quite the opposite.
I see danger, I see the edge, I see the future unfolding, I see the skies turning, I see mountains falling, I see clouds billowing into form, I see rain clouds LONG before they are near, I see genuine, child-like faith 
... I see YOU.

Yes, I see you.
I see your struggles, your doubts, your weaknesses, your overt sins, your hateful rebellions(s),  your rage against Me, your futile attempts, your failures, your successes, your lying down and your arising(s).  
Yes, I am ever present.



Few understand Me. 
They claim to "know" all about Me, but they are deceived!
They cannot know Me, for I am *past finding out*!
I am higher than the earth, for I am from above.

I am not as one of you. 
I am from Above, you are from beneath. 
I am of Heavenly  nature, you (humans) are of mortal flesh.

You are but mud, dirt, sand. I give you life.


Consider this: without Me, you would wither away and die. 
I give you the very breath you inhale. 
I provide the water to keep your bodies alive--
... I ultimately control the beating of your heart(s).

I am the Life-Giver.

I am Life.


Give unto Me the honor due My name. 
Call unto Me, and I will show your great and mighty things, which you know not.

I will make a way, where there seems to be *no way*.
I will make rivers in the desert ... for you. 
I will provide, as needed.
I will show you My delights, My pleasures, My joys, My freedoms.

I am your Life.
I am your Breath. 
I am your God. 
I am the object of your faith, I hope. 
I hope (that) I am also the object of your love.

I created you (all) to love Me ... you were made to love Me. 

I want to walk among you as your Loving Savior ... walk and ~whoosh past~ you, as the Wind ... as a Loving Wind .... as a LOVING SPIRITUAL WIND.


All it takes ... is a little faith. "


Aaron Shust - To God Alone

More Power to Ya - Petra

The Book of 1 Corinthians | KJV | read by Alexander Scourby

The Book of 2 Samuel | KJV | Audio Bible read by Alexander Scourby

November 3, 2020

MESSAGE "Deaf, Dumb & Blind" (continued)



"I am not your toy.

I am not your bauble.

I am not a plaything.


I am the LORD.

I am the Most High.

I will not be mocked.

You don't own Me. 


I made the skies.

I made the seas.

I made the earth.

I made it.


I am bigger than you.

I am stronger.

I am wiser.

I know all.



Be sure of this...of this one thing:  without Me, you will have no peace.

Without Me, you will have no true lasting peace.

A false peace is no peace.  Without Me, your efforts are in empty air...a waste of time.

Your efforts will not last.  They will not stand the test of time.  They will fail.

You will will fall...yes--you will (again) fall upon your faces.

You will fall upon your faces--in utter failure.




unless you turn to Me, says the LORD.

Unless you turn (return) to will fail...and you will fall.

You will fall from My grace forever.

You will be separated from My favor.

You willl be a stranger to Me.

You will be cast aside, at the last day.

Be warned.

Be warned.


It is a fearful thing.

It is a fearful thing;  to fall away...and to be on your own, so to speak.

It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Be warned.  Be ready to change---if you can still hear My voice, says the LORD.


This warning will fall on many dead ears.  They are deaf to Me now, says the LORD.

Pray that you may hear--pray for those whose pride has deafened them.  Some may hear after all.

Some may the end...before it is too late.


My voice comes in many ways.

I speak as I whom I will.

I am the LORD...I choose as I will...I choose how I will make Myself known.

     I can use an animal.

     I can use the clouds.

     I can use an insect.

     I can use a bird.

     I am that I am.

     I am.

If you are so enamoured (in love with) yourselves...then you will have no need of Me, says the LORD.

Only those humbled...those 'needing a physician'...will seek Me.

You think you have no need of Me...yet you are desolate!

       You are naked.

       You are blind.

       You are starving.

       You are empty vessels.

You assume.  You are well fed, content, warm, set on high, self-righteous, proud...

you assume (*that) you are Mine.

       You assumed wrong.

Seek Me....NOT man!

Seek Me...NOT religion!

Seek Me...NOT money!

Seek Me...NOT fame!

Seek Me...NOT power!

Seek Me...NOT signs!

Seek Me...NOT yourself!

Seek Me...NOT the world!

Seek Me...NOT false prophecy!

Seek Me...NOT false signs!



This is all for Me...learn My ways...humble yourselves.

"Humble yourselves in the sight of the LORD, and He will lift you up."

(He will lift you up from the depths of hell.)"

*message ended@ 9:40am



Revelation 3:17  "Because you say, I am rich, and have increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked..."  

Psalm 34:19  "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all."

James 4:10  "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up."

Proverbs 16:18  "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

Hebrews 10:31  "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

Isaiah 59:2  "But your iniquities (sins) have separated between you and your God, and you sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear."

Galatians 6:7  "...Do not be deceived:  God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap..."

Exodus 20:3  "You shall have no other gods before Me."

I Corinthians 1:29   "...That no flesh should glory in His presence."

Jeremiah 6:14b  "...saying 'Peace, peace'; when there is no peace."


haughty = arrogantly superior, disdainful, smug, proud, asuming, cavalier, overbearing, self-important

desolate = bleak, barren, stark, dismal, ravaged, ruined, devastated, empty

bauble = novelty, trivial thing, cheap jewel, cheap showy ornament, trifle, plaything, trinket, mock scepter(carried by a court jester), fakery, gaudy object

desecration = sacrilege, pollution, defilement, blasphemy, debasement, irreverence, profanation, perversion, damaging, abusive, severe disrespect, corruption

mockery = contempt, jeering, scorn, sneering, derison, ridicule, insult, unkindness, rebellious disrespect, taunting, provoking

malign = defame, slander, libel, smear, vilify, falsely accuse, bad-mouth, misrepresent, revile, spread lies about, abuse, disparage, spite 

November 2, 2020

MESSAGE "Deaf, Dumb & Blind"



"Yes, My people have become 'dull of hearing'.  They cannot hear Me.  They only (will) listen to a (dumb) leader, such as themselves.  Dumb and dull...dead and dead.

They are dead in My eyes. Yes. Dead to Me.  Dead to My ways.  Dead to My voice. (Why?)  They have let another take My place.

They (My people, My chosen ones, My elect, My sheep, My children) have (indeed) forsaken Me!  They have left Me.  They have gone away.  They are gone.  They are dead.  They are 'dead' to Me, as it were.

They have gone away and followed another.  They no longer seek Me.  They no longer care.

Their hearts are hardened.  They are lost.  They are deceived.  They are blinded.  They are drowning in the mire. (mires)

They are willfully ignorant now.  They have despised Me...and My ways;  as well as My word(s).

They have become (as) a laughing stock. They are but 'clowns' in a circus.  They are laughed at, and scoffed(at).They deserve the mockery and the cruelty, for they are Not Mine.(!)

They have distanced themselves from Me.  They do things 'on their own'.  They do NOT honour Me. No!

They have strayed and gone after their lusts.




"Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord shall deliver them form them  all."

The (true) righeous will suffer.  My true children will be afflicted.  If you follow and pursue Me, you will be noticeably afflicted.  You will suffer!

The road is hard.  The way is difficult.  To seek Me is a hard thing.  Yes, My ways are not of this world!  I am not as 'one of you'...I am above - above the fray, so to speak.


I am above the earth and all it's ways.  MY ways are NOT your ways, says the Lord.


Yes, yes - yes - you will suffer and be afflicted, if you choose to follow Me.

There is a *price* to pay; to be My disciple.(If there were no *pain*, there would be no reward, says the Lord.)  The *pain* can be in the form of rejection.

I was rejected.

I was despised.

I was lonely.

I was rejected of men, and often alone.

I cried alone, often. 

My way(s) are NOT your ways ---says the LORD!

You may 'assume' you are 'following ' Me ---but you are NOT!  I am NOT as one of you;  I am Not as you depict (portray, announce, preach) Me!


Listen! Listen! Even though this life is a life of loneliness, hardship, betrayal and rejection....the reward is great.


The *reward* is the friendship.  My friendship. My companionship.  My love.  My presence.  My glory.  My healing.  My deliverance.  My freedom.  My glory.  My loyalty.  My security.  My salvation.


Yes, with any consecration to Me, there will be a price.

The price of your *loneliness* will be rewarded...with My undiluted presence.  I will show Myself to you...I will show Myself those who have shown Me their true hearts.

I will show My signs...My *wonders*....My mysteries...My omens...My miracles...My healings....My *light shows*...My giftings...My signs in the skies....My signs upon the earth...My signs in your lives....

Yes--yes--yes--yes--yes...this is My promise.


These days are days of woe...yes--great turbulence...BUT--these days are also days of joy--days of peace---days of personal peace--days of great peace (in your hearts).

----> Yes--amidst the great affliction(s) --will be great peace.  I will reward My humble ones with great peace.

Yes--I grant great peace and greater those who have been afflicted.

--> to those *forgotten*ones...

-->to those afflicted mercilessly...

-->to those betrayed and wounded...

--> to those *tossed aside* and forgotten...

--> to those *hated* by the church systems and cast out...

--> to those rejected and silenced...

--> to those maligned; tossed to the wolves...

--> to those who tried and failed...

--> to those accused (falsely accused) and lied about...

--> to those who were deemed 'worthless'...

--> to those betrayed cruelly;  even by family....

--> to those *left behind*:  by their own *bosom* (close) friends...

-->  to all the *lost*, hurting sheep... 

-->  to all the sheep without a shepherd...

--> to all My lost sheep;  those without a leader--those wihtout a pastor...

those without a church...those whothout a fellowship...those without a templ...those without a friend....

--- I see you.

---I hear you.

---I will help you.

You are NOT forgotten.  You are NOT ignored by Me, says the LORD!

Yes, I have hidden Myself...for a time.  I have hidden, as it were. As it was.

I have hidden My face;  I have hidden My voice.  I have hidden My hands.  i have hidden My feet.

Your sins have separated Me from you, says the Lord.

You know that.  You know.

Deep in your heart(s) know that is true.


I will NOT compete.  I will not be 'second best'.  I will not be 'second choice'.

Repeat...I will not be (your) second choice, says the LORD! (angry)




How many many times do I have to say this...says the LORD!

Stop twisting.  Stop twisting My words.  Stop using my words for your uses.  Stop the desecration.

Stop the defilement.  Stop the blasphemous use of My Word(s).  When you turn My words into your (political and) personal use---you are defiling My words, says the LORD.





(continued in next portion of message) 

Delirious? - Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble?

In the Likeness of You - by Petra

Blindside - There Must Be Something In The Wind

October 5, 2020

Falling Up - Broken Heart

Matisyahu - One Day (Official Video)

MESSAGE "My Broken Family"

 {*note from writer/scribe:  

I keep hearing, throughout the day

 ..."My family is broken up ..."}


"My family is gone ... My family is broken up ... split up ... scattered ... dispersed ... strewn-about.

A family should be together...  (it) should work together ... play together together. 

I am sad, I am sad ... My family is gone. 
I am lonely. 
I need My children, My family, about Me, around Me.


Where are they? where is My family, My loved ones, My people ... ?

I see them ... I see them, scattered, broken, bruised, hurt.
I see My blood, My flesh, My body... 
(They) are all over the world ... but they are apart.

My family is hurting ... they are cold ... they are sick ... they are lonely ...they are in need. 
They suffer ...they cry ... they silently endure.

My little ones suffer the most;   for they do not understand their lives.  
Let them come to Me ... let them know of Me, of My love, of My love, of My love.

As a gentle shepherd lovingly cares for his flock of worn sheep, so do I care for My sheep, My lambs, My infant lambs.

I grieve to see the condition of My flocks upon this earth. 
I grieve, I grieve.


Surely I did not intend this to be.
My intent was for peace, for security, for gladness and joy.
I never wanted this misery upon the earth, upon My creation.

I do not ever want such suffering ... for any creature: human or animal.
I planned a world, a place, a paradise .... for My family... My human family. 
I love you all so much ... I never intended such chaos for you. 
Hear My heart, hear My heart.


So why do you rebel and turn from My love? 
Why do you run? why do you resist Me? 

Why do you turn to other 'loves' ... other 'lovers' ... other gods and idols of your fancy? 
Why turn from the One who loves you so?

I see (that) you are all deceived, to some degree ... that is the way of the world. 
It is a world of deception, of falsity, of mirages, or illusion, of delusion, of thwarted imaginations.

I seek to save you ... I came to 'seek and to save that which was lost'... that would be YOU!
I  am the saver ...  you are the ones needing Me ... I came to 
rescue you, to give you a better life...



{new subject?}

The fire is in the furnace.
What does that mean, you ask?
It implies a refining ... a purification. 
Yes, many of you are laden with sins, with excesses, with fleshly desires, with unabated hungers and appetites ...all to satisfy the flesh, the mortal man, the natural man.

That is to be expected ... I see the ways of the body, of the flesh, of the sexual excess, of the gluttony, the greed, the anger, the hatred.
I see ALL the many, many, varied *works of the flesh*  .... there are MANY!

Yes, I am well acquainted with ALL your weaknesses, oh man, oh woman ... oh child. 
I see it all. 
I see it all.
I know all about it ... about ALL of it.
I see, I see.


So how can such an unholy, vile, sordid, evil generation ever expect any goodness--any help--from Me?

I will show mercy on who I choose. 
My rain, My mercy... falls on the just as well as the unjust ...on the innocent, as well as the guilty. 

I am no *respecter of persons*... that means I  am not partial, I am not biased ... I do not show favoritism as humans do.

I offer (My) love, My mercy ... to all ...  I will rain upon the whole earth ... I will send My floods of love to all all ... to all!!

I assure you, people of the earth ... I will visit you ... in your time.
I will meet with you ... I will let you into My covering of glory and grace.
You will experience it ... you will (then) KNOW that I am who I said I am!


It is so easy to judge others, from the outer appearance, or from their 'sin life'. 


I am the only judge ... I will mete out any judgement, in My way, on My day.

I am a fair, merciful judge.

I love justice ... I love defense ... I love meting out good, fair judgement.

Judging can be good, can be fair, can be beneficial. 
I am your defense, whether you know it or not. 
I am your defender in this life.

I am your mediator ... between you and My Father. 
I am the law giver. 
I show you, by My Spirit, what the 'laws of My Spirit are' ...
how they are 'written upon your hearts'...yes.

I supernaturally engraft(ed) My laws upon your hearts, as you offer yourselves to Me;   as you give Me access into your hearts and souls and spirits. 

I take your hard, darkened, jaded hearts of stone ... and turn them into soft, bright, pliable, spiritual hearts of flesh, of My flesh!

You then become flesh of My flesh!
We are then true spiritual family, as I always intended!


If you see (or sense) a brother or sister is in trouble ... then pray for them.
Ask Me to help them ... do not presume to know all the details.
The details are My business ... I will help them privately.

Send My love to all.
Send practical help, if possible! 
Ask of Me, ask of Me ... what should I do, Lord? what can I do?

A simple gesture of honest kindness can be very life-giving!

If it in your ability to help someone, please do it!
Do things in secret, if you can. 
Let no one boast of their giving.
Let Me reward you, at the opportune time of My choice.  
The humble will be lifted up.


I am free.
I am free to all
I am a free God .... Where My spirit is, there is liberty.... .there is real freedom!

I am free as the wind!
I rush through the skies! 
I am unhindered, at My supreme place. 
I am the Most High, yes, but I am with you, here, now. I am the God who sees, who feels, who empathizes.

Turn your words of hatred into words of reconciliation.
Let your anger be turned to meek agreement ... and into newly-forged alliances.
Let there be new unity! 
Let  there be a coming together of peoples, of individuals, of My lost ones, of My lost and battered sheep.

Let the unity be (as) a foundation for the beginning of My out-pourings ... My fresh flow of Heavenly manna ... coming down upon My beloved family ... My creation, for indeed, I have come for all ... I am come for all of you.
I love all of you.  
Wait ... and seek ...  and wait again ... for Me. 
I will visit.
Do not miss the time of YOUR visitation!"


3:40pm   3/2/14

Never Be The Same - Red

"Morning Star" - White Heart

Freedom - Run Kid Run

September 12, 2020

The Book of Acts | KJV | Audio Bible

New Testament

The Book of Ruth | KJV | Audio Bible

Old Testament

Tremble - by Audio Adrenaline

MESSAGE "Shining Love"


 "You will not find your worth in any man. 
Your worth comes from Me. 
You are highly valued in My sight. 
*I* am your confidence. 
*I* am your strength. 
I give you power when you are weak. 
The sooner My children realize this, the faster they will know (of) My peace. 
Human works, on their own merit, are futile. 
Without Me you can do nothing ...but, with Me *all* things are possible. 


 Also, you cannot get (your) worthiness from yourself, as you well know. 
Your (own) righteousness is as filthy rags. 
Only the righteousness of Jesus My Son will suffice. 
The Blood of the Lamb is your covering. 
It insures your worthiness to Me and to yourself.


Human love, no matter how strong, can fail ...yet My love will never fail. 
My love is forever. 
I have made an everlasting covenant with My people ...with My Bride. 


Without My love, you will falter and fall. 
Believe on My love. 
Believe *in* My love. 
Believe that I truly do love you, My children. 
For some of you, that is an incomprehensible concept. 
My love -from above- is shed abroad in your hearts by My Holy Spirit. 
It is *not* of this world. 
It is supernatural; that is, above the level of (the) natural love. 
It is deeper, much deeper, than married romantic love. 


 Oh My children, My Bride;  taste and see that I am good! 
Come closer. 
Seek to hear Me to see Me in My glory and splendour ......

For, when you have *been in My love*;  others will (then) sense it, and be awakened and suddenly (be) aware of Me.  
Love is contagious. 
(Just as hate is.) 


Love covers a multitude of sins. 
Love never fails. 
Love is patient is kind
Read and study My Word --see all the passages I've given to you concerning My love. 


Love your enemies. 
Do good to those who curse you. 
I will make you to be at peace with your enemies. 
Overcome evil with good. 
Let your light shine before all people ...let the light of My love shine through you. 


Yes, there is another side to My love: chastening. 
I correct (chasten) those whom I love. 
I steer you in the way you should go:  gently, but firmly. 
I love you too much to allow you to continue in your way(s). 
Of course, I will not overrule your will .....

I desire willing hearts that *choose* My love (in all aspects)."



suffice = be enough, be adequate, will satisfy
falter = break, stumble, topple 
Bride = the universal body of believers

Isaiah 64:6  "…and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags."
I John 4:16b  "God is love"  
Jeremiah 31:3b  "I have loved you with an everlasting love..." Romans 12:21 "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Romans 5:5  "And hope makes not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given to us." 


in Him was life

in Him was life